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In today's Patch 10.1.5 PTR build, a drop source was added for all the Infinite Dragonflight Dragonriding skins -- the Megadungeon!

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The Patch 10.1.5 PTR adds Infinite & Bronze Dragonflight variants of the Zaralek Cavern outdoor armor sets as rewards from the new Mega-Dungeon, Dawn of the Infinite.

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In this week's Patch 10.1.5 PTR build, we've datamined a new series of Adventuring hats with various colors as well as a new Candy Bucket Off-hand.

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Drust transmog is coming in You can get a Drust cosmetic helm from an Ardenweald rare, or different tints from a dungeon for Mail and Plate wearers:

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Cloud Serpents will be able to be tamed in You will need to be Exalted with the Order of the Cloud Serpents.

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Cloud Serpents can be tamed in through purchasing a tome at Exalted with Order of the Cloud Serpent! This includes Huolon, Nalak, Tsulong, and Rei Lun:

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Blizzard RU leaked upcoming Shadow Priest changes to Shadowlands beta, including a massive spec revamp, with a complete rework of Voidform, new talents, and many core spell changes.

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Shadowlands Mythic+ Season One Rewards - Sinful Title and Sintouched Deathwalker Mount

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SAGamer did a deep dive into the art and design of Revendreth and the Venthyr covenant, highlighting several art pieces, including Kael'thas in Castle Nathria and the missing raid leather armor set pieces!

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Looking for some simple HD weapons? A bunch may be coming from the new player experience in

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