

No longer on Twitter, but you can find me as xavierck on tumblr and blue sky

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Spent a few hours tonight sculpting a familiar friend

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it's happening again

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Got started on some (very preliminary) retopo for this

I need to come up with a good solution for using curvature maps to push geo out so that crevices maintain lines, but that's Future Xavier's problem

For now I've got some nice variation through manual editing

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I have a love/hate relationship with making blockouts, but goddamn if they don't give you an excellent idea of what you're working with

Going to refine this a bit and then get to modeling

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Ok, so the hair is obviously pretty gross and blobby, but I think I'm headed in the right direction

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I have a few cool ideas about how I can do line art that's visible from all angles, along with some that only appears when it's facing the camera, so hopefully I can get something that's very close to the concept

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Working on a new personal project that I'm hoping to get rigged up and animated in UE5 over the next few months

I commissioned to draw me a concept of a Sister of Battle from Warhammer 40k, and I'm hoping to get some sweet shader work done on this

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I can't tell you what I'm working on, but what I *can* say is that this is what Slack has been like the past few days

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It might be neat if black dragons were more closely related to eels

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