

- 04's -
- Gacha addict -
- I spam RT art, sometimes -

フォロー数:794 フォロワー数:333

That's fine Gura, good luck on your work!

0 3

That's fine Gura, see ya at the fes!💙

1 27

Nice schedule! Looking fowards to spending this lunar new year week with you gura!

0 129

The return of the Minecraft addiction

0 20

Might not make it in but oh well

2 8

UMISEA is so fun and cute! More senpai interactions please!!

1 62

Your duet king cover is amazing Gura! Definitely looking forwards to the upcoming covers of more songs!

0 35

Certainly interesting schedule this week, can't wait for that last special timeslot! 👀

2 88

Cant wait for the karaoke! It's gonna be a fun one alright

0 22