カリム・アルアジームのタグが付いたイラスト(古い順)。 4ページ目

26005 件


יש עוד יש גם את אלאדין

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looking back on old art to quell the feeling im just a piece of shit and i gott say; ive always been a piece of shit

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2. Engkanto (Male Nature Spirit)

Described to be Tall, have light hair and eyes. They are also a little more malevolent than Female nature spirits.

I had him wearing an embroidered polo similar to the Barong Tagalog.

Ig: kurboi

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Yana is too powerful guys. She even made the evil Stepmother hot. AND THATS JUST AGNI IN ANOTHER WORLD.

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*rewatches for the 80th time* this shows ok i guess

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goddd probably him honestly, Epel the Magic Mirror is small and purple and thus perfect

I'm always a sucker for twins with the Leech Flotsam/Jetsam pair too, also Iago/Jafar and the Hearts/Diamonds boys are good too

also just realized there are teachers too but they're okay/10

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※諸事情により再投稿です※ こちらの素敵な企画へ自由人な空賊の船長でお邪魔します~!事前で船員さんをいただいていますがそれ以外は真っ白ですのでいろいろな関係が組めると嬉しいです😊よろしくお願いいたします~!

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Asra from
Loved his masquerade look so included that.
More Arcana art to come!

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男虎 用務員


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wait i wasn't rly paying attention at first but disney is making a game where their villains are anime boys

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Thank you for making this thread 💛

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Hi everyone ⭐️ I’m Laylie. I’m a black + filipino artist from Texas. I like drawing portraits, black fantasy, and fan art of series from my childhood.

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Ones that stand out to me are the "Legend of Zelda: Art and Artifacts" and "Yoshitaka Amano: The Illustrated Biography". Zelda taught me how to draw, and Amano's work is just stunning. And of course, I love my Gurren Lagaan art book, but those first two are hard recommends.

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