ガロ・ティモスのタグが付いたイラスト(古い順)。 2ページ目

22397 件



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Lio, you're beautiful 😍 (#NewHusbando(?))

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本日解禁となった第二弾ティザービジュアルに描かれた、もう1人の主人公リオ・フォーティア。先に発表されたガロと今回発表になったリオ、この2人の男が今作「プロメア」の主人公となります。 https://t.co/79MGX7RrOG

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Studio TRIGGER's () upcoming feature film Promare received an all-new trailer today highlighting the film's release date and two new characters:


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Can't wait to see aniki Kamina in the movie releasing soon
I always wanted a big bro like Kamina when I was little

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Galo Thymos from 's upcoming with a special feature

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Promare, la nouvelle production signée par Hiroyuki Imaishi s’attaque au cinéma, une première pour le studio TRIGGER qui engage ses équipes vers de nouveau sommet en mai 2019. Le film signe également une nouvelle collaboration avec le scénariste Kazuki Nakajima (Gurren Lagann)

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2018 was a great year for anime movies, but 2019 is shaping up to be a pretty solid year too! Curious about what anime are hitting the silver screen in Japan this year? Grab your popcorn and read on!

🍿Movies galore: https://t.co/RksIoynzse

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Some of the speedpaint commissions I finished today. If you guys are interested I could open for some of these during next weekend!

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I’m so impressed at how well they were able to paint on the yellow highlights and the shadows and stuff especially on the hair. It looks so good??? Nice lighting set up for them too.

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PROMARE, le premier long-métrage de (en coproduction avec XFlag) réunit à nouveau Hiroyuki IMAISHI (今石洋之) et Kazuki NAKASHIMA (中島かずき) – à l'origine de Gurren Lagann ou encore Kill la Kill – et arrivera dans les salles obscures nippones le 24 mai prochain.

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Свеженький разворот с героями оригинального полнометражного фильма «Promare» от студии Trigger

В кинотеатрах Японии с 24-го мая

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How could you cheat on your man like this with Joseph... disgusting

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「プロメア」アニメ制作の要・作画監督に人気アニメーター“すしお”参戦! https://t.co/x25BXi4xEJ

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This movie comes out this month but not here so I gotta stifle my excitement but I can still drool over Galo. Just hoping we don't gotta wait too long to see it in the states.

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海外「映画イベント会社で働いてるんだけど、みんなはどんな日本アニメの劇場版... - すらるど - 海外の反応 https://t.co/BbWHbRcSnl
アニマネ - https://t.co/OfdmSHWxti

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ウーーーン ガロティモス…

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