サイトウのタグが付いたイラスト。 218ページ目

6580 件




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이번 포켓몬 여캐들 진짜 멋진데 말이죠.

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yall shes doing the danganronpa thing

0 5

Bea can literally cut diamonds holy moly

58 386

Certaines villes auront des arènes différentes selon que vous jouez dans Pokémon Épée ou Bouclier.

Dans Pokémon Épée, vous affronterez Faïza, une spécialiste des Pokémon de type Combat.

Vrai prodige du karaté, elle perpétue les traditions et techniques ancestrales de sa famille

26 67

Another pkmn footy waifu. ;3

9 48


8 11

831 야사이(야채)
049 오요구(헤엄)
193 이쿠사(전투)
291 니쿠이(미움)

528 362

Bea seems really cool

425 1214

Mom said it’s my turn to play Gale of Darkness

1 14


0 31

Sonia WHO?
Nessa WHO?????

8 32

Someone at GameFreak got thirsty this gen

68 412

In Pokémon Sword and Shield, some Gym Leaders differ between games.

In Pokémon Sword, players will battle the Fighting-type expert, Bea.

In Pokémon Shield, players will battle the Ghost-type expert, Allister.

1629 6080

That's the Spirit! I can't wait to challenge you Bea!😄

0 16

Cheixnsk finally a character’s outfit I can wear! I can wear my knee braces and not deal w bullshit!

0 52

no offense but why are all the new characters in pokemon sword and shield so cool?? SERIOUSLY THEY ALL LOOK AMAZING

2 10

Sword and Shield gym master designs were already kink central but the fairly well defined abs on Bea's 3D model confirm gamefreak has fucking ascended

652 2368

Some of the trainer and character designs on are really Knocking it out of the park! Might Some Fan art of these two Later!

5 20

Those abs 👀💦👌

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Ding dong ding dong
"A body has been discovered!"

2 11