ヒカリ(ゼノブレイド)のタグが付いたイラスト(古い順)。 334ページ目

15900 件


XC2 is one of my favorite games! It has given me a lot of fond memories, some of my favorite characters, and I've met a lot of really cool people on here because it! 💖🥺 So here's to 4 years of a great game being out!

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858 3141

Happy 4th Anniversary to one of my all time favorite games, Xenoblade 2!

20 62

Happy Anniversary to the best game on switch. Come for the booba, stay for the enriching tale and cool lore.

23 90

A very happy 4th birthday to Xenoblade Chronicles 2 today! One of my favorite games of all time, & one I get sucked back into VERY frequently. There's SO much I love about it!

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