ペルソナ5のタグが付いたイラスト(古い順)。 334ページ目

88697 件


This is incredibly self indulgent 🔁

41 81

In mood to draw some ShuFuta but I have a midterm project due at Tuesday, this is true suffering.

2 63

why would you buy an umbrella in a conbini when you can run under the rain with your crush like in those cliche doramas

at least it was fun

745 1047


28 98

o negócio da paleta de cores eu vou fazer futuramente e pah

mas toma ai o Ari
com o novo desing dele
e um novo jeito de pintar cabelo?

5 28

July 2018 - April 2017

Redraw of my boy Akira/Ren since I’m catching up with P5 the animation

2 28

Sakura Futaba

9 19