狼と香辛料のタグが付いたイラスト。 316ページ目

9472 件


umm..no i just want to literally sleep >///< i want to sleep next to you that's all..

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you don't have to apologize to me, although i think you should try and stop killing..

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i just do ! i-i-i love you !.....

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hey ~ your welcome, your drawing was amazing your really talented !

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School eh there all the same and I hate them soo much

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Sometimes I ... Wait I always wanted a tail haha

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I wish I had wolf ears and a tail...

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Holo the wise wolf. If I was an anime character, it would definitely be her.

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Spice and Wolf is a pretty good anime! It's sooo romantic :3 here'a Holo!

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Holo & Lawrence are so good together!!

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らくがき ねる

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