雷電将軍のタグが付いたイラスト(古い順)。 5ページ目

38451 件



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wait... wasnt baal based off of mei?? idk i could be wrong ><

1 40

i feel like baals braid is more inspired by kallen

2 31

I love Raiden so much

1 1

Oh to be Kazuha’s friend and to die by Raiden’s hand. Oh to be Kojou Sara and to kill for Raiden. 😔

0 2

scaramouche and shogun waiting room _(:3」∠)_

52 233


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솔직히 번개의신은 붕괴처럼 해줘도 되지 않았나

0 5

мне нравится косичка баал но вот одежда выглядит убого😕

0 3

this is what baal looks like in my head... i cant believe mhy tried to tell us ying'er is the new electro archon

8 54

【画像】雷電あんま可愛くないから、人気出なさそうwwwwwww / https://t.co/V7BFDKbGzI

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Kazuha about Sara: "I see... So she does have her own ideals that she is fighting for"

Sara's ideals that she is probably fighting for: Baal

31 175

did a little stream with my friends where they watch me doodle these characters😭

217 690

Raiden Shogun. That’s it, that’s the tweet.

5 28

baal and raiden but they're two separate archons

8 16

Pls miyhoyo….I’m already dead

1 69

Я вспомнила у кого ещё общие вайбы с Баал

8 35

pov you`re going to get sword murdered

186 668

saudade de quando eu achava que a baal era assim e nao esse treco feio da porra

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Oh baal elle est éclatée c'est quoi ça

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she copied her gfs braids i see..

67 928

【画像】この子、今まで長身モデルの中で顔一番いいやん….!? / https://t.co/89JU3H2dPk

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baal de genshin // baal de honkai

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