not incredibly happy with the likeness on either (especially not poor aragorn, bad thoughts were getting to me) but i'm quite happy with edgework and blending this time around

5 71

And today, was 2hrs of movie stills.
*lies down on floor*

0 47

30m study of LeeLoo and 1hr on Saving Private Ryan, then rested my hand for the rest of the time :)

1 29

The return of
1hr each, with a focus on value

1 45

Two 1 hour studies. These might be flipped I forget

0 37

Value studies today! My computer decided to start being a butt in the last 10 minutes

0 37

1 hour Sargent value studies for tonight's

9 261

Value studies tonight on - always good practice. One hour each from photo references. Tried some new brushes.

2 45

2 very soothing value studies in today, we listened to WoW music and I almost fell asleep

2 39

So, it seems switching to Photoshop is definitely better for my painting skills. Really happy with both of these studies, 1hr each. Second one was rough, there is a lot of detail in that painting that is hard to convey.

1 36

Joined in with NFC art friends again today as romantic revival is my favourite period for art and poetry.

Study of a Frederic Edwin Church painting in cake form.

2 hours start to finish including baking. Orange, spice + ginger cake.

4 91

For we painted and drew other's pets! This is Tofu!

9 97

A sunny dog and a magic cat for today's !

0 22

A portrait of with apologies! Didn't get quite as far as I wanted but I kinda like how it's starting to turn out.

1 33

Adding to my collection of Bladerunner stills for

1 54