What would __________ do?

If had a chance to save the Waynes, he would.
And then bawl his eyes out afterward.

If could've saved Hippolyta, she would have.

Barry Allen changed time to save his mom.

But Clark...not so much.

5 17

I know there's a faction of people
(probably only on Twitter)

that have this unbridled rage, this seething hatred
for definitive versions of characters.

I don't care.🤣

There IS such a thing as a definitive version.

And you can have other versions too.

4 11

Remember that
life builds upon itself.

There's nothing wrong with how
original ideas/heroes have developed
capillarically into new directions and story worlds.
(Not saying they're ALL good.)

It's not either/or.
It's not either the old or the new.

It's both/and.

3 10

Oh no, I'm losing followers! Is it because of Musk? Or Because of the Hideous Henk (tickets here: https://t.co/Q0i3V1X4nW) spam? Quick! Ahhh!
Here's some Marvel superhero fan art! Aaahh!!!

8 21

One more time, folks:

Lois hated Clark and loved

She was rude to Clark, had no respect for him,
and didn't hold that sharp tongue of hers
in expressing it.

People try to rewrite that because it shows
how shallow Lois is.
The end.

4 14

Prompt: COFFEE
Patronizer: Jeff Balla

Javaman uses the caffeinated powers of coffee to energize his body into doing superhuman feats! His one weakness? Crashing.

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Do you like
Do you like
Do you like
Do you like
Do you like

This is your Shuffle

And enter in Week Shuffle of as a Holder!!!

3 4

Just so you understand, this guy's name is "Captain Neon Necromancer Spartan" but he likes to be called Kevin The Shiny One 🦹🏼

2 9

What is the name of this super hero?

Hint: his power is to know every secret of the Infinite Universe.

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