Day 21 of - Axew! Just a cute baby dragon... nothing off here...

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Day 20 of - Sudowoodo! One thing pretending to be another pretending to be another... so many layers!

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Day 19 of - Darkrai! It doesn't want nightmares, just a friend... will you be its friend?

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Day 18 of - Magnemite! Its button gaze is magnetic... can you resist?

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Day 17 of - Buizel! He waddles... and swims too.

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Day 16 of - Typhlosion! One of my personal favorite fire starter Pokemon. Look at its smile!

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Day 15 of - Wooloo! Wolf in sheep's clothing, instead of a rat's this time. One of my favorites!

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Day 13 of - Absol! I hope this one brings you good luck on the 13th day of the spooky month.

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Day 11 of - Gengar! A ghost within a ghost... scary or cute? It depends on you!

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Day 10 of - Shaymin! Another mythical mon today, with a bit of a different form. We love the fluffy hedgehog

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Day 9 of - Victini! May this day and this month bring you joy and victory!

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Day 8 of - Electabuzz! This high-quality costume is very shocking!

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Day 7 of - Sylveon! This fairy might be slightly creepier than the normal, but it's still just as cute!

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