Goooooddddd morning! Barimé can help you wake up if you haven't had enough coffee...

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Thoughts? No, it's not Candy. Other people can also have colorful hair.

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Thank you for this drawing of Charlotte! I think she looks great in your art style!

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Thank you for this adorable drawing of Charlotte! She's one of the space kids in the upcoming Space Comic!

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Ahhhhh, thank you for this drawing of Susan! I love this style, especially Susan's realistic freckles!

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Thanks, for this ADORABLE drawing of Charlotte!

Love all these colors!

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Huge thanks to for this drawing of Charlotte! She's one of the kids in the upcoming space comic.

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Usually Barimé's clothing is part of her body, made from her own mass of particles. However, it can still be removed as a separate item, and she can wear real clothing if desired and available.

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The Candy Universe is careful to never directly break the fourth wall, but some scenes may unintentionally hit that wall...

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Candy's tablet in universe is based on the real world Surface tablet by Microsoft. It even has cellular service.

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Angels do not need to breath oxygen, or any gasses, to metabolize magic. Oxygen is required to metabolize food, however.

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Candy's favorite video game is a racing game with power ups and special items.

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Jessica is the only child character confirmed to be gay. Others might be, but have not explored with romance enough to know yet.

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Angels do not require food for sustenance as they normally consume magic directly, but angels can eat food for enjoyment. In fact, angels can even survive off of food, if magic were made unavailable for some reason...

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Tonight I'll be setting up some rapid fire facts and trivia to go out over Saturday! Woo!

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All angles have tetrachromacy, however their extra cones pick up light at a different frequency than humans with the condition. This is why their pupils have the 4 tip star shape.

What can angles view with their 4th set of cones? 🤔

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Angels and Ricochets do not get along... but they don't typically interact because they operate in different places.

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Angels can use magic particles to change their appearance, but they can't shape shift like a Ricochet can. Angels have physical bodies with flesh and bones, and can only shape shift in ways that add bulk to their body. They can not subtract mass like a Ricochet can.

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Barimé's name was generated by an online tool which randomly remixes phonemes from real English words, creating novel names which most English speakers can pronounce without difficulty.

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Seasan is the only staff comic artist who doesn't sing.

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