MC: I like it!

> I replied without hesitation and Osborn gave a light laugh.

O: Looks like after being with me for a long time, your courage has certainly gotten big.
O: But if you want to keep up with my speed, you gotta train some more.

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O: You kept me company training racing for a day, you must be tired.
MC: I’m alright, but my nerves are still a little on end.
O: Oh? How come?
MC: You competed with other cars in a turn so many times, my heart nearly leapt into my throat.

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LOL he returned back to his normal speed 😂 they should have made it even blurrier because that would have been hilarious

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O: It’s only after meeting you that I understand a birthday is this kind of extraordinarily special day.

E: In this twisted world, you create in me an exceptional anticipation towards birthdays.

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the zoom in CGs deserve their own space because they really are pretty

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J: It seems… we’re really suited for this “new couple challenge”.
MC: It looks like… the literary genius Jesse Xia is really into his role.
J: I’m not in character, I’m being serious.

> Jesse winked at me and his smile was a bit mischievous.

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J: Looks like the heavens reward “love”.
MC: What kind of strange saying is this?
J: Naturally it’s from the literary genius, Jesse Xia, inspired in this very moment.

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MC: You just said not to sign here, then where do we sign?
MC: Oh I know, you want to sign on the singles section, right? Tsk tsk…

> Jesse raised a smile and moved my writing hand onto the marriage board.

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陆沉、你!就是!!我的神!!! THIS CALL WAS SO GOOD. GODS. the themes in his date in general, such such such a good date. i’m so satisfied

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my look for jesse’s dress! i really like these gold eyes you get during the anniversary event 😭 it’s the gold shade i’ve been looking for!!

in me are two wolves, one loves blue/green eyes and the other loves gold LOL

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> He bent a knee and kneeled in front of me.

> He held my slender ankle and soothed the wound that bled on the path.

> He removed my dust-covered high heels and, letting me stand on a pair of free feet, fall into his embrace.

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MC: Evan, this is really too beautiful, I wish time would stop.
E: Time here can certainly stop for you.
E: But I don’t recommend doing this, because then we might miss even more interesting things after this.

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> Heat spread from my ears and I stared at him for a long time. It was like there were circles of sweet ripples in my heart.

MC: Evan, stop joking with me and come up too.
E: Yes, wife.

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【隽永契约】 Meaningful Contract. alright some unanimous rating that this is a very good date so time for me to see what it’s like myself. i’m putting my trust in the collective’s tastes!!

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RNG gods blessed me yesterday because i did plan on doing his date next. i’ve always wanted to try the red eyes look somewhere. it’s a vampire wedding—sorry 😂

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> I leaned against his shoulder and complained lightly to him. Hearing this, Charlie showed a proud expression.

C: If you had time to prepare, how can it be called a surprise?

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C: But time itself is a strange thing, it doesn’t need any sort of transaction and it will be equally possessed by people.
C: So, I rarely use time to measure value, because that wouldn’t be special enough.

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MC: Of course not. I just feel that I still don’t completely understand you…
MC: I think you sometimes have this feeling too.
C: I agree on this point.

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MC: Charlie, did you wait here long?
C: One year.
MC: … Charlie?
C: It’s already been an entire year since we met.
C: So, it’s approximately a year since I fell in love with you at first sight.

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C: It’s clasped.

> Charlie was about to draw away but, feeling the chill of the summer night drill between Charlie and my body, I was suddenly reluctant and held his waist without a word.

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