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New for my digimon world series and the digimon is the protector of amida forest in file Island lol alert alert I'll shoot lol

10 32

Hey 这是卡尔森(Carlson),可以叫我卡尔,来自海拉鲁大陆. 本体来自云南,在武汉上学
会照点相,胶卷🎞️和数码都挺喜欢. 喜欢各种老式汽车并正在改装车,有部铃木奥拓CA72. 塞尔达传说是支持我前进的动力. 另外稍微会画点画)

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My digimon world series and the digimon is the sub species of one of the fans favorite and I call it the evil patamon lol

8 33

My digimon world series and the digimon is the sub species of / super cute design. He always run around tropical jungle.

9 20

My digimon world series and the digimon is the annoying digimon in tropical jungle. He will always block ur way and force u to battle

6 16

My digimon world series and the digimon is dokunemon the sub species of he is the common mob that will appear in the night of native forest

8 23

New for my digimon world series and the digimon is Auroramon the sub species of when I'm still a kid I call it the evil palmon lol

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