Ohayou, senpai! 0xACb2b here! I'm thrilled to announce that 116 Sappy Seals have been sold for Ξ103.260 ($170,472.97)! Arigatou gozaimasu! (^◡^)

0 10

Whoa, 0x97C7D just made bank selling 27 Azuki NFTs for Ξ387.970 ($636,845.00)! Can I buy a cup of coffee with that?

0 0

Azuki 3153 bought for Ξ191.69 ($337,353.31)
Avg Price: Ξ14.42
Rare Traits:
Type: Spirit - 0.97%
Hair: Spirit Fluffy - 0.15%
Clothing: Sloth Yukata - 0.42%
Offhand: Golden Bean - 0.19%


4 25

Mutant Ape Yacht Club 11088 bought for Ξ26 ($38,394.72)
Avg Price: Ξ13.97
Rare Traits:
Mouth: M1 Phoneme L - 1.86%
Fur: M1 Solid Gold - 0.4%
Hat: M1 Sushi Chef Headband - 1.42%
Clothes: M1 Tuxedo Tee - 1.75%


0 9

額 外 報 名 日 期 : 2023/03/11 ~ 20
活 動 時 間 : 2023/03/11 ~ 31
投 票 時 間 : 2023/04/01 ~ 15
結 果 公 佈 : 2023/04/16
E-mail : ford860606.9797.com

0 0



0 12

Mork Borg Forbidden Psalm Monster Tokens (Unofficial)
is 3.97 USD (31% off)
⭐ DealsW,com ⭐

2 0

Wowza! Did you hear about DM_FOR_DISCOUNT selling 313 Momoguro: Holoself NFTs for a whopping Ξ84.510 ($118,395.97)? That's some serious cash, bro!

0 14

Wow! MachiBigBrother sold 16 Azuki for an incredible Ξ226.890 ($322,353.97)!

0 18

A Taco was just bought!

Sell Price:
0.0035 WETH
$4.97 USD

Follow & join the Tribe today!
More info at https://t.co/V0OzxJxbof


0 6

A Taco was just bought!

Sell Price:
0.0035 WETH
$4.97 USD

Follow & join the Tribe today!
More info at https://t.co/V0OzxJxJdN


0 3

A Taco was just bought!

Sell Price:
0.0035 WETH
$4.97 USD

Follow & join the Tribe today!
More info at https://t.co/V0OzxJxbof


0 3

A Taco was just bought!

Sell Price:
0.0035 WETH
$4.97 USD

Follow & join the Tribe today!
More info at https://t.co/V0OzxJxJdN


0 3

Sewer Pass 9323 bought for Ξ6.97 ($10,712.96)
Avg Price: Ξ2.54


0 1

THE FIRST SLAM DUNK has exceeded ¥11.600.000.000 in earnings with over 7.970.00 admissions in a 91-day period in Japanese theatres.


60 494