Cornelis Engebrechtsz (28.11.1462–1527) was a Dutch painter.

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Cornelis Engebrechtsz (1462–1527) was a Dutch painter.Christ Taking Leave of His Mother, Illustrated , ca.1515

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Cornelis Engebrechtsz (28.11.1462–1527) was a Dutch painter ευαγγελισμός

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-410, 30-40k Goths sack Rome, pop. ~500-800k
-1084, 36k Normans & Saracens sack Rome, pop. ~15k
-1527, 20k Germans & Spaniards sack Rome, pop. ~55k

410: ~1:20
1084: ~2:1
1527: ~1:3

1084 is the outlier, an army larger than the conquered population.

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De apostel Petrus op de buitenzijde van het ‘Drieluik met het laatste oordeel’, uit ca 1526-1527, van Lucas van Leyden

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Portrait of an English Lady, c. 1527, Holbein

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Recientemente una conocida plataforma de subastas online ha vendido por una cifra considerable una estampa falsa de Aquí tenéis una foto del falso y otra de la obra auténtica de 1527 en la Colección Mariano Moret ¿Cuál es cuál?...Encuesta

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1560 Gustav I of Sweden (Vasa), influential 16th century Swedish King, died at Tre Kronor, Stockholm. Series of paintings depicting his rule/triumphs (L to R)

Part one (1521–23) Outside Stockholm
Part two 1525, Inside Stockholm
Part three 1527, Inside and outside Västerås

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Say hello to ‘The Fiancé’ circa 1527 by painter Lucas van Leyden (1494-1533). Today, this delicate work is on view at the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg. The image below shows it alongside artworks recovered near Berchtesgaden, 1945.

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ルーカス・クラーナハ『パリスの審判』1527年 コペンハーゲン国立美術館

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Madonna and Child - Parmigianino, 1527

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And now, something different. Giorgio Liberale (1527-1579) was an Italian artist who had been working for the imperial court in Prague. He designed over 500 small woodcuts for the first Latin edition of classic Dioscurides' Materia medica.

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Parmigianino (Jan 11, 1503 - August 24, 1540, Italian)
The Conversion of St Paul, 1527. Virgin and Child with Mary Magdalene, 1530s.

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Circe and the Companions of Ulysses, Girolamo Francesco Maria Mazzola or Parmigianino, 1527, Uffizi Gallery.

In this episode from the Odyssey, Circe offers Odysseus's men a magic potion that will turn them into beasts, yet leave them helplessly aware of their changed state.

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Born in 1552: Holy Roman Emperor (1552-1612)

Portrait as Vertumnus by (1527-93), 1590

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In memoriam

iuseppe Arcimboldo,

Milán, 1527- 11 de julio de 1593

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