1位(RT1102/Fav3676):https://t.co/GD2mBRM6rE (ebihurya332)
2位(RT1050/Fav2780):https://t.co/5wBr4UpqfR (odawarahakone)
3位(RT567/Fav1772):https://t.co/EIXc9G2fJ3 (marchlizard)
4位(RT539/Fav1529):https://t.co/V7VWFCAgRt (suidengetsu)

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スタートダッシュマウントで差をつけろ!をしばらくのモットーに致します( ˘ω˘)


4 25


こゆひさん@ koyu_toko2
まめとみさん@ nabe1529

指名はなしで🙇🏻‍♀️ https://t.co/PSFHscfeDn

2 35

"Questo giovane sarà anco tale per quanto si vede, che se vive e seguita porrà quest’arte in cielo"

Madonna col Bambino, sant'Anna e quattro santi
Pontormo, 1528-1529

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The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine, 1529 by Parmigianino

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The Battle of Alexander at Issus (1529)-Albrecht Altdorfer's masterpiece, portrays the victory of Alexander the Great over Darius III of Persia. The painting is said to induce feelings of perplexity and unease. War as an unholy spectacle, a frozen prophecy.

13 44

Christoph Weiditz: An African drummer playing at the ceremonial entrance of Katherine of Aragon’s nephew, Emperor Charles V (1529). Reworked with loo roll, grandpap’s cou cou stick, granny’s quilt and clothes horse. Rediscovering through

120 471

パルミジャニーノ『ケーデルソンの聖母』1528-1529年 キンベル美術館

10 143

Born in 1529: Ferdinand II, Archduke of Further Austria (1529-95), son of Holy Roman Emperor

Portrait by (1505-67), 1548

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19 May 1529: Eustache Chapuys given his credentials as Charles V's ambassador to Henry VIII His letters are a key source for understanding of Henry’s reign & the break with

4 14

Hamburg wird evangelisch
um 1529
Bürgermeister Wetken und Bugenhagen waren maßgeblich daran beteiligt, daß die Reformation friedlich umgesetzt und auch Hamburgzu einer evangelischen Stadt werden konnte.

0 1

Giambologna-Jean de Boulogne ( 1529 - August 13, 1608) was a Flemish sculptor. Venus Urania, Astronomy (and incorrectly known as Giovanni da Bologna or Giovanni Bologna) was a Flemish sculptor based in Italy

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パルミジャニーノ『聖カタリナの神秘の結婚』1529年 ロンドン・ナショナル・ギャラリー

15 130

Locotenent (Lieutenant-colonel), 1545; Captain and Schultheiß (judge), 1520; Standard bearer, 1505; Doppelsöldner of the Black Legion, 1520; Sutleress and Provost; Arquebusier and Pikeman, 1520; Gemeinweibel (community leader), Willibald Pirckheimer Regiment, 1529.

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