OTD 1593 Failure to cooperate with Tyrone = consequences . Phelim MacTurlough O'Neill, lord of Killetra talked with Tyrone at Toome, but the meeting didn't go well ''God's defiance to you till nightfall' said Tyrone leaving, minutes later Phelim was hacked to pieces

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Born in 1587: (1587-1637), Duke of Savoy

Portrait with his brothers Filippo Emanuele & Emanuele Filiberto attributed to (ca. 1540-1607), ca. 1593-4

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Vier jaar geleden schreef redacteur Linda Belal over een migrant uit Turkije die in 1593 naar Nederland is gekomen en inmiddels een nationaal symbool is geworden: de tulp. https://t.co/WEcTG68Rfk

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It's still behind the paywall (I know, I know...I cant access it either) but for all those lucky ducks with academic access....fill your boots 'Spouses, spies and subterfuge: the role and experience of women during the Nine Years War (1593–1603)' https://t.co/hDZVRIMED2

15 68

1546年3月21日 バルトロメウス・スプランヘルがアントウェルペンに生誕。
《プラハの金細工師ニコラス・ミュラーの墓誌》(1592 - 1593)プラハ国立美術館

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She is a famous baroque painter who was very gifted from a young age. She is the daughter of a painter and she would work along side her father. She eventually was requested to paint the ceilings of queen Mary’s home.


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Judged: Athena, Venus (winner), Juno. The three goddesses after Paris, painted by Hans von Aachen in 1593. Today is his day.

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5位(RT561/Fav1751):https://t.co/qETijoU1fn (ysi_umai)
6位(RT553/Fav1593):https://t.co/h9Q6bc4o8l (kukimaru666)
7位(RT446/Fav1564):https://t.co/iB6IUSVSGB (steel6636)
8位(RT466/Fav1327):https://t.co/0CET9lEtME (kukimaru666)

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"¿Qué tiene que ver la noche con el sueño?".

John Milton

🎨 Georges de La Tour (Vic-sur-Seille, 1593 - Lunéville, 1652. Francia)

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"Allegory of the Peace of Westphalia", Jacob Jordaens (1593 – 1678), Flemish

15 38

OTD 1599 Enfant terrible Capt Humfrey Willis proposed plot of forts in Ulster, inc. Derry, Lifford, B'shannon, Cavan, Armagh, C'fergus, Coleraine and Toome. His incursion into Fermanagh sparked war in 1593. Fought throughout but killed in mopping up op. summer 1602

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Artemisia Gentileschi
(1593 - 1653)
Madonna col Bambino
1610 ca.

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OTD 1593 Sir Ralph Lane, contrary to the glowing reports of Bagenal's campaign in Fermanagh, reported Maguire's army had 'lost very few of his own followers at the passage of Belleek by the Marshal', worse still he was now reinforced with Scots redshanks & troops from Connacht

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Tulipán en un jarrón de cristal
🦋 Balthasar van der Ast (Middelburg1593 ó1594 -Delft 1657). Los insectos, los escarabajos, las moscas y otros pequeños animales tienen en parte una función simbólica. Firmado '· B · van der · Ast ·' (parte inferior derecha)🧐🙄👇¿Lo veis?

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