Attributed to Domenico Parodi (1672-1742), Ariadne on Naxos, oil on copper

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Musique du soir :
Quand le sérieux Charpentier se lâche pour son ami Molière ! À écouter jusqu’au bout pour entendre chats, chiens et ânes.
Voir le siècle de Louis XIV autrement !

William Christie- Intermèdes nouveaux du Mariage forcé (1672) via

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after 3 years of need, my lovely boy gifted me a switch. It's the first new thing I've gotten since 2016 that wasnt hand-me-down.
I cried so hard.

did me an inspire!
(If you guys wanna add me my friend code is SW-1672-5687-2208) ✨💞

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27 July 1625: b. Edward Montagu, ambassador, admiral & cousin of Samuel Pepys Died at the Battle of Solebay, 28 May 1672

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9 July 1672: William III of Orange accepts office as Stadholder of the United Provinces In less than two decades, he’d also be King of & also

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1672 Christiaan Huygens in Paris, hearing rumours that Cornelis de Witt is dead (he soon will be), writes to his brother wanting to be kept informed of ‘everything that is happening in our miserable country’, as Louis XIV’s army reaches Amsterdam

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15 June 1623: b. Cornelis de Witt who was second to Lieutenant-Admiral Michiel de Ruyter in the raid on the Medway in 1667. Cornelis was killed on the same day as his brother Johan 20 Aug 1672 (The 2nd image is of their lynched bodies, Rijksmuseum)

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Born in 1672: (1672-1725), Emperor of Russia

Portrait by an Unknown Artist, 18th Century

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Fu nel 1660 che Carlo II Stuart, re d'Inghilterra, Scozia, Irlanda, fondò la “Company of Royal Adventurers Trading to Africa”.
A causa della guerra con l'Olanda fallì nel 1667. Dalle sue ceneri emerse una nuova compagnia, diventata nel 1672, la “Royal African Company”.

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Born in 1653: (1653-76), Holy Roman Empress as spouse of Emperor

Portrait by (1616-86), 1672

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1位(RT1954/Fav8172): (ebihurya332)
2位(RT1041/Fav3638): (ray83222)
3位(RT597/Fav2041): (kusosaika)
4位(RT498/Fav1672): (marchlizard)

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Current posts: 2D Harmony Animator., Toronto - Start Date: 2020-May-11 or 25

As an animator on our adult animated prime time comedies your main responsibi... 1672

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Gerard Dou's 1672 "An Old Schoolmaster Cutting his Pen"
has the unique Distinction of also possessing his small 1672 "Self'-portrait Study" on its Corbel looking at the Viewer,with frail aged countenance & demise 3 years later 1675-Significantly further verifying his authorship🧑‍🎨

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【初級エンジニア】 1672/2280
「このクラスの半分は卒業できんな…何しろニワトリに変身してもうての」 - ティンクマスター・オーバースパーク(初級ギズモ学講師)

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NGC 1672,SPIRAL galaxy towards constellation Sporadic 60 Million lyrs away..

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Spiral Galaxy NGC 1672 toward the Constellation of the Dorado 60 million light-years away (apod.nasa.Archive) 🚀🔭⭐️

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フィン・マックールの宝具で1672万ダメージを出した時の動画を載せておきます。オデュッセウスは…聖晶石1830個で1枚しか引けなかったので、彼のダメチャレは今後のすり抜けで宝具Lv.2になったら実施します。取り敢えず370枚概念礼装を減らさないと出撃できないから強化して減らすか( ̄~ ̄;)

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CoC 「エル・ドラドの水晶髑髏」に参加させていただきました!なんと1672年シナリオです!!すごい。


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