Myla wasn’t feeling it so I went solo for today’s :Neville, with his useful fascination for weird plants⚡️

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day 6 - a good boi trying his best

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day 2 - must be a weasley!

203 1921

day 1 - good old harry himself

42 272

The last day of is a sad one! Let's just hope he catches that snitch!

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Day 21 of is Umbridge and all the kitties

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Day 19 of is "Have a biscuit Harry" I imagine this like the Snickers ads, you're not you when you're hungry...

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Day 18 of over in Instagram is Luna Lovegood ! She's always been one of my favorites! Quirky, socially awkward, yet clever!

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Day 15 of is Quidditch World Cup, I obviously chose to celebrate Ron's 💛 of Victor Krum

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Day 11 of is Remus Lupin, my absolute favorite HP character, and FYI if you make a Lupin, I'd buy at least 30 😉

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