9位(RT172/Fav451):https://t.co/mSqpWoXRIE (Pot_de_dougin)
10位(RT152/Fav440):https://t.co/2lgLtQfjq7 (seitei04)
11位(RT132/Fav361):https://t.co/BYrseoigBy (PepaTiku)
12位(RT137/Fav335):https://t.co/gxFS4gjcEi (knkhnp)

0 0

1位(RT168/Fav435):https://t.co/44tqAD6CWg (a_la_koala)
2位(RT136/Fav361):https://t.co/kKhq0Y7q7A (aki0107_inica)
3位(RT33/Fav88):https://t.co/rBwuoHGeA1 (comicand_com)
4位(RT32/Fav86):https://t.co/WlHGJvuO38 (yukkurikka_64)

0 0

1位(RT874/Fav3309):https://t.co/3UBmUFwgAi (ebihurya332)
2位(RT798/Fav2361):https://t.co/xjfxe1mXiv (tuki_janu)
3位(RT647/Fav1752):https://t.co/0lA0sPm7YJ (odawarahakone)
4位(RT492/Fav1723):https://t.co/EqqUUxcOIF (sojang5th)

0 0

9位(RT175/Fav361):https://t.co/6xgFFe1WC1 (yuukichima)
10位(RT114/Fav402):https://t.co/xn6fuSprgp (tsuji_kazuho)
11位(RT144/Fav372):https://t.co/7kGcmiPcex (Chiwa617)
12位(RT156/Fav356):https://t.co/dtT4zaQPwQ (Pot_de_dougin)

0 0

MG!AM (3361)◎  ~まつろわぬ神々と神殺しの魔王~ ◎(・o・)

0 1

Orangestarさんの新曲(#sm36898361)を、神調教師 cilliaさんがVY1Vで4カバー。一晩でこれを…?
【VY1V4】Henceforth 【カバー】 https://t.co/iK2Ckdov8j

0 0

9位(RT197/Fav469):https://t.co/bP9XwfLW8U (_chou2)
10位(RT206/Fav432):https://t.co/OC0oLpxsbJ (Pot_de_dougin)
11位(RT173/Fav372):https://t.co/oTUepqikTq (sashimi0gou)
12位(RT179/Fav361):https://t.co/se8tKR0KsS (taisinkoku)

0 0

(5/6) Viola Frey, “Untitled (Slide 361),” 1975, reprinted 2020. ALF no. VFI-9005., “Ming Blue and White,” 1981. Oil and acrylic on paper, 30 x 22 1/2 in. ALF no. VF-0327. “Untitled (Three Heads, Snake in Dish),” c. 1975-1980. Ceramic, 15 x 9 x 3 1/2 in. ALF no. VF-0340CSS

0 0



11 37

Felix pins (ID361) from are now live to both buy and trade! Follow the links below for your desired form! All pins I’m seeking in trades may be found on the Trade Form.

Trading >>> https://t.co/gOniKYgYOb
Buying >>> https://t.co/2qfaXnVNNb

14 48

Daily - Day 09-17-18
I love 's performance in Amazon's so I am quite happy to find out she've won an Emmy this year for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series.
So here's a cartoony tribute to the actress and the show. (#15,361)

1 4