9位(RT129/Fav459):https://t.co/LYBMSOcJVM (aki0107_inica)
10位(RT146/Fav438):https://t.co/n1ZCc0dFpi (laco_soregashi)
11位(RT148/Fav424):https://t.co/MP6G455aNe (hizaka12)
12位(RT139/Fav322):https://t.co/qBRDjR171L (Bmagic120)

0 0

9位(RT196/Fav511):https://t.co/2bK2Oxp3p1 (raymie0124)
10位(RT163/Fav459):https://t.co/s3ZeDrj4i0 (wasumi_kei)
11位(RT147/Fav406):https://t.co/LJipVNZ8Cf (berth0821)
12位(RT115/Fav388):https://t.co/9CVy26VhwB (comicand_com)

0 0

Limited SSR "Future Space" Uzuki Shimamura

Highest Stat: Visual (7459)

Skill: "Infinite Possibilities" - Cute Ensemble, High Proc, Brief Effect Time

255 483

Presentation at the Temple (1460), Cardinal Trevisan (1459-60) & St George (1460). The Portrait came about when the Pope commissioned Mantegna to paint the Cardinal who was part of the Council of Mantua (1459). The Council sought to rally Europeans against the Ottomans

0 1

マンガ XtremeTricksyCats (459)
「知らざぁ言って聞かせやしょう!」 by ジョン・デヴィソン

1 2

とらぶるぱい : 西連寺春菜&ララ(ドレス形態)壁紙・画像 To LOVEる ダークネス(459) https://t.co/rareN5g0C9

0 6