画質 高画質

THE DIFFERENCES,,, it really changes depending on my mood huh https://t.co/c6qTpDwRYr

1 19

in 2020

funny cuz ive been experimenting a ton recently so uh https://t.co/dClRoeN7qP

1 12

in 2020

whats an art style? never heard of that !! lolol https://t.co/Q1JImbQKwZ

4 14

inconsistent art style, always changing 😄
I need to fix that!

0 3

Kiri atas: style tradi paling jadoel yang gatau kenapa jadi aneh kalau dicoba di digi
Kanan atas: paling sering dipake sekarang hehehe
Kiri bawah: pas lagi eksperimen warna sama niat
Kanan bawah: style rencana komik webtun yang ga jadi2 :(( https://t.co/ImmKWQugZW

0 3

in 2020
Banyak bedanya juga ya. Apalagi yang terakhir jauh, dan kyknya bakal jadi favorit gue wkwkw.

Thanks for being my inspirations and let me productive and grow like this. https://t.co/F8cIOEEokW

1 20

I need to join this hashtag

12 102

?? I'd like to applaud those who actually have ONLY 4 styles 😭👏 https://t.co/M7HqncOVEQ

0 13

recent artworks udah keliatan labilnya, bismillah konsisten artstyle 😾🙏 tapi ak suka semua style ak, bikaus ai lop my self eak🖖🤧 https://t.co/OJtfuXdA1N

1 32

sebenernya sebelum tahun 2019 styleku masih acak2an (alias tiap gambar beda style semua), cuma akhir2 ini bisa mertahanin dikit :''' tapi harus belajar style lineless juga... Biar styleku variatif tapi terarah 😂 https://t.co/ZAXiFGaaor

0 5

yey for
finally a place for our inconsistent and improving artstyle/artworks ❤
yeah yeah pastels lahat HAHA

4 8

I do mostly digital stuff so yeaaaaah this are four of them kinda looks the same tho 🖍️


1 7

wait i've found the perfect tag for me
1 - lineless thing for relaxation
2 - lineless but pain in the ass (mostly for commissions)
3 - thin-lined, detailed, artsy
4 - thicc lineart, lack of details

2 15

🍑kiri atas itu style terbarukuu
Kanan atas itu juli lalu, bikin lineart tipis2, blm berani krn baru bgt masuk digi😭

Kiri bwh itu styleku yg paling lama aku tekunin soalnya ngerasa dark art gini mewakili perasaanku(?)
Kanan bwh itu thn lalu masih kagok pake wacol :") https://t.co/s0BorMLTML

3 23

gurl idk if i'm just vers or just inconsistent, like pls make up your mind sis https://t.co/ckkXjUHoMH

1 9

4 styles I did. Wait I have to develop my art style 😅👀 https://t.co/lekbFMq6lY

2 17

More like just one fricking style lol

1 33

that still stuck with me and I still can't decide which is the most 'me', cause all of it are my precious babies (๑♡⌓♡๑) https://t.co/LTnPwVdnsF

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// relationship status with artstyle: it's complicated https://t.co/kEafVV1DUa

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