
“Das Baby-Liederbuch”

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Henri de La Goulue at the Moulin Rouge 1891 - 1892.

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✨Пензенская картинная галерея поздравляет всех жителей России с Днём народного единства! В единстве наша сила! Осознавая это, многонациональный народ России, неоднократно поднимался на защиту Родины✨

🎨С.Милорадович. Оборона Троице-Сергеевой лавры.1892.

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Le 25 octobre 1881, nait Pablo Picasso, il n'a donc "que" 11 ans quand il réalise cette "Étude pour un torse", en 1892.

Pfiouuuu ! Juste magique.

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'L'Allée d'Eau', Charles-Victor Guilloux, watercolour, 1892.

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Statues of Sekhmet painted in situ by Nathaniel Hone in 1892. Any idea where? Precinct of Mut?

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Dust off those and grab a seat, because this week on the blog we take a look at public transit and find an unexpected connection in our galleries! Read on→ https://t.co/gACiUv38k1

Image: Anders Zorn, The Omnibus (detail), 1892. Oil on canvas.

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'Scottish Folk and Fairy Tales' by Sir George Douglas, 1892. Of course, lots of visual evidence of them recorded by Sir Joseph Noel Paton!

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The Kiss by Francesco Hayez, 1859

The Kiss by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, 1892.

The Kiss by Richard Mauch, 1900.

The Kiss by Silvio Allason, 1910.

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Remembering Joan's co star Basil Rathbone, who was born on this day in 1892.

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Hoy nos acordamos de Alfonsina Storni, quien nació el 29 de mayo de 1892. Os recomendamos la antología «Las grandes mujeres», ilustrada por Antonia Santolaya.

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Pour un samedi en douceur, voici quelques fleurs de mai des «Flora’s feast» de Walter Crane, publié à Londres en 1892. Pivoines, iris, roses et églantines rivalisent d’élégance et de grâce tout Art Nouveau, avec ces vers mignons ! Sur : https://t.co/AUD4IQHqMb. Cute !

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Judith by Jules Lefebvre, France, 1892. This is my version on a luxe velvet cushion.

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After such a fine sunset this evening, how about a lucid lunar glow to take us through the night? Yes? Good. Because I happen to have two. Left: Stanisław Masłowski, 'Moonrise', 1884. Right: Charles-Victor Guilloux, 'L'Allée d'Eau',1892.

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➡️Psyché d'artiste.
➡️Ηistoria, 1892.
Nikolaos Gyzis (1842-1901), peintre grec.

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French writer Joséphin Péladan, the “sandwich man of the beyond” as he was unkindly called, launched his hugely influential “Salon de la Rose+Croix” in Paris in 1892. The exhibition proved so popular that it stopped traffic. https://t.co/TeXErrFXWU

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J. F. Earhart, The Color Printer: a Treatise on the Use of Colors in Typographic Printing, Earhart & Richardson, Cincinnati, 1892. Samples of nine different patterns of embossing, from one plate made with punches.

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Je sens que vous avez besoin de légèreté et de poésie... Alors un peu de Walter Crane, avec Flora’s feast, publié en 1892. Une ode aux fleurs qui ne pouvait que me charmer ! Sur : https://t.co/AUD4IQpPnB. Je vous ai choisi quelques exemples de fleurs printanières 😊

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to b. this day in 1892. The great poet + had in her blood — her middle name came from the local hospital, she lived in the Village’s narrowest house, and she helped found : https://t.co/BVqD0cqqlS

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