
31 122

Dispatches from the hapless adventures of Gavin Reed, cryptid enthusiast, and RK "who me? a cryptid?" 900

73 327


14 37


39 130

Gavin: "'morning, tin can..."
Nines: "Good morning, love...
Gavin: "Mmh... best things in the world in the morning: my coffee aaand... the kiss of the love of my life!" *smirk*
Nines: "He-he, of course."

Nines x Gavin 😘

18 73


14 41

Shenanigans continue to ensue in Detroit's restaurant scene 🍽 ANYWAY I'M AROUND AND DOING STUFF!

40 195

Gavin: "My tin can..."
Nines: "Uh huh, only yours, detective."

Nines x Gavin as always 😝❤️

42 232


95 339

Gavin : Nines…that is trash… let- let find some others nice seashell?
Nines : 🥺
Gavin : no…nonononono nines pls don’t..
Nines : 🥺💦

61 373


5 15

D3 Artfest (July 2nd) - Gavin & Nines

broke me into tears especially this scene (´°̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥`) I hope I can do a few more prompts this month ✐☡

14 86

DE Artfest (July 2nd) -

Decided to also post my artworks here as well aside from tumblr

8 41