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Spider-Woman #13 it's OUT NOW! Go get yours at #LCS 🕷❤
Words @THEKarlaPacheco
Art Pere Perez, Frank D'Armata @LindseyCohick @nick_lowe_
Abcs @TravisJLanham
smol boy.. baby.. tiny. tiny boy. does not know anything. does not even know abcs... just knows be little.. and nap
A few of today’s notable baseball birthdays: Ben Taylor, Roger Connor, John Clarkson
#ABCs #Giants #Beaneaters
The Witcher: Witch's Lament #2
Words @sztybor_writes
Art @VDelRey
@RedCube_Studio (Bellaire)
ABCs @adityab
I missed out picking up the first issue when it came out and I picked it up on a whim and WOW!
The first issue was so great and I expect big things from the second!
United States of Captain America #1
Words @ifyoucantwell @losthiskeysman
Art @obazaldua @daleeaglesham @MattMilla45
ABCs @JoeCaramagna
Celebrating THE Captain Americas 80th anniversary!
We got a rotating cast of awesome creators joining the 2 Caps on a road trip across America!
Shadow man #3
Words @cullenbunn
Art @JonDavisHunt
@RedCube_Studio (Bellaire)
Abcs @ClaytonCowles
My first ever Valiant book continues to be freakin' awesome! (And it def won't be my last!)
Shadowman is a fantastic book. The cast is great, the art is great.
I need more Valiant!
N for Nutria for @AnimalAlphabets ‘ Rainforest themed ABCs.
#AnimalAlphabets #Nutria #rainforest #illustration #ROUS
🖤 #TR25 time yet again! Aaand also part of my fanart ABCs project, which just got to the letter L. ✨
🖤 Going with the opera outfit for Tomb Raider Chronicles. Been spending all my gaming time on TBCclassic and I'm still not past the Rome levels. 🤭
#laracroft #TombRaider
Fantastic Four #33
Words @DanSlott
Art @RB_Silva @aburtov
ABCs @JoeCaramagna
I gotta tell ya. Slott REALLY can write a Doom/Reed relationship.
You can tell his love for the characters on every page.
Not to mention the art 😉
Alien #4
Words @PhillipKJohnson
Art @SalvadorLarroca, GuruEFX
ABCs @ClaytonCowles
I know a lot of people weren't too enthused with the recent movies so let's take it back to the roots with an AWESOME Alien comic!
Great visuals and an exciting story!
M is for Manatee for @AnimalAlphabets ‘ Rainforest themed ABCs
#AnimalAlphabets #illustration #manatee #rainforest
🖤 Fanart ABCs, K for Kreia. ✨
🖤 Um, this feels like a very controversial opinion, but Kreia is my favorite Star Wars character. 10/10 would hire as a weird grandma again. 🤭
#StarWars #digitalart
X-Men #21
Words Johnathan Hickman
Art (Many MANY great artist)
ABCs @ClaytonCowles
Hellfire GALA continues!
Those first three crossover issues were some of the most fun I've had reading X-Men!
So many seeds were planted and I can't wait to sus it all out!
Plus THAT Emma dress 🥵
Batman the Detective #3
Words @TomTaylorMade
Art Andy Kubert, @inkmonkeyhope @bdanderson13
ABCs @ClemRobins
I've LITERALLY just put the second issue down and let me tell you how good this series is.
Fantastic character work and this new league of villains are very compelling!
Young Hellboy: The Hidden Land #4
Words @artofmmignola @TomSniegoski
Art @craigrousseau @Dragonmnky
ABCs @ClemRobins
The end to this awesome Pulp adventure of Lil' Hellboy!
Castaway to a magical island full of Dinosaur, ancient beings and giant monkeys!
Marauders #21
Words @GerryDuggan
Art @MatteoLolli @delgaduck
ABCs @corypetit
Y'all have been teasing us for weeks with all the fashion and now that it's here I can hardly wait another day!
I have know idea what to expect but I'll know it look good!
Crush & Lobo #1
Words @marikotamaki
Art @amancay_art @TBonvillain
ABCs @CommentAiry
If I were to pick my favorite new characters of the last five years Crush would be in top 3!
The dynamic between Crush and Lobo is ... complicated 😂 and I love to see where the team takes it!
Apex Legends: Overtime #1
Words @JesseStern
Art @thebristolboard @keithchampagne @AntonioFabela
ABCs @blambot
How can I pass up a NCBD without grabbing my favorite multiplayer games new comic!
A fantastic world will be brought to more audiences and I can't wait to dig in!
Strange Adventures #10
Words @TomKingTK
Art @DocShaner @MitchGerads
ABCs @ClaytonCowles
"But that up there? That's...that's the endgame."
The last three issues of this wonderfully strange adventure.
Let's do this.
Harley Quinn #3
Words @Steph_Smash
Art @rileyrossmo1 @ivanplascencia
ABCs @andworlddesign
Why is HUGO instantly forgiven but nobodys giving Harley a chance!?
I love this comic. The team was meant for Harley Quinn. With the art its like we're seeing the world through her eyes!