Omegamon usually fights against giant Digimon like Eosmon and Nidhoggmon.

Because of it Abbadomon Core was designed to be at the same size and to fight in high-speed against Omegamon!!

30 146

Abbadomon Core has been added to the Digimon Reference Book, bringing the total to 1117!

0 2

Abbadomon Core has been added as an option, bringing the total to 39.

5 41

High quality alternate artwork of Abbadomon Core

17 91

I was waiting for a better-quality image of Abbadomon Core for this!

3 18

Abbadomon Core has been added to the Digimon Reference Book, bringing the total to 1117!

61 266

Abbadomon Core was added to the Reference Book!!

53 262


Sadomo-chan. 16+ (BDSM) version available on Pixiv and Deviantart

0 1

In addition to Abbadomon, Curimon, Gurimon, Gammamon, Pyonmon, Bosamon, Angoramon, Puyomon, Puyoyomon, and Jellymon have also been added to the Digimon Reference Book, bringing the total to 1114!

72 266

Abbadomon has been added to the Digimon Reference Book, bringing the total to 1105!

0 4

Abbadomon has been added to the Digimon Reference Book, bringing the total to 1105!

37 163




21 61

watched a few episodes of hack sign... sadomoto's designs are so nostalgic to see

1 9

Wysyłam wiadomości z mojego świata... z nadzieją, że do kogoś dotrą.

12 104

To jest Twitter, tu nigdy nie wiadomo co się dzieje 😋

0 5

Reminder that Madomon is one of the 5 Digimon Adventure 20th Anniversary Memorial Story Project original Partner Digimon, designed for Mado by Watanabe Kenji ().

20 111