–"Hey Bobal, you seem very angry, you have to calm down, lets go outside and get fresh air, shall we? happy thoughs, keep it in mind"

Idk how to drae Bofo im sorry 😭😭

14 119

Took a bit longer than I thought but here it is!
Day 2 of

7 45

Day 12- Home but it's Bobal sleeping on a couch and you decide on who the one that tucked him in
And maybe I should take a break from for now

42 242

when i say speedrun, i mean dont do the ones that require me to make whole new designs
aka a lot of them
also my motivation ran out so ill do more later :P

2 14

Bob feels at home when he is with bosip 😭😭😭
oliver's original idea: @/FutonSecret

45 286

Day 10 - Hang out (I'm a bit late)

don't worry Bowaev's okay <:) He's flying around like his big brother now in a scarf cocoon

32 259

Dia 11: Drip

Un Neo Bosip sensualón para las y los fans ;v

4 37

lmaooo i posted this at exactly 12am when i wanted to post it before that

that post was rushed LMAO, here's another version with the funny text

proper dtiys + also 10th of altratober haha

45 277

Bosip died because Bob was so cute!(?)
I had no choice but to make it like this due to my lack of ability. Sorry

《 Day 10 》

29 230

No altratober instead have another shirtless bobot because when will i stop? never.

8 70

Quería hacer a Bobal Neo pero me salió Bobal ex XDD en fin, la segunda imagen es por si quieren la paleta de colores o no se?¿?¿?

27 183

I wanted to try out the 'underwater' prompt from sooo I may have done a little something (this was so fun to draw btw)

40 283