Sinner Minthr

Rank : ??
Gender : Female
DOB : January 16
Height : 179
Alignment : LOVE
Ability : ??

Ref : Zoya - PTN

9 22

Autumn is the best time of the year for me to release anything that is no longer in alignment with my creativity and my true purpose.

I might consider taking a long hiatus from this account, until I see a huge improvement in my art skills.

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few alignment charts i did while figuring out the casts personalities

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a handful of Randomagos. some old, some new.

I plan to have them have both a tri-alignment system (Power/Wisdow/Courage with a Null exeption here and there) and a Genus-type system (reptile, rodent, beast, etc) that would influence both combat and some of the evos

3 24

i'm excited to see the alignment chart if this is what that's for 👀👀

6 15

phantom thieves alignment memes pt 3, featuring the og chart

17 78

Today is a beautiful day of Mercury and Venus Conjunction . Alignment of the mind and the heart 🫶💕

2 26

phantom thieves alignment meme thread bc i’m bored GO

52 249

Prompt tips:

Use RPG alignments to modify your outputs

This prompt = { Allignment } + Symmetrical Pattern

1) Lawful Good
2) Lawful Evil
3) Chaotic Evil
4) Chaotic Good

0 0

Alignment Chosen: Chaotic Evil
Character: Sonata Song
Race: Siren
Class: Bard
Background: Noble
Best Stat: Charisma
Worst Stat: Intelligence

0 0

Alignment Chosen: Neutral Evil
Character: Hana Kotodori
Race: Human
Class: Sorcerer
Background: Criminal
Best Stat: Charisma
Worst Stat: Dexterity

0 0

Alignment Chosen: Lawful Evil
Character: Kori Sunofureku
Race: Demon
Class: Warlock
Background: Soldier
Best Stat: Strength
Worst Stat: Wisdom

0 0

Alignment Chosen:
Charcter: Lunara Celendel
Race: Drow
Class: Rogue
Background: Charlatan
Best Stat: Dexterity
Worst Stat: Strength

0 0

Alignment Chosen: True Neutral
Character: Hiko Takami
Race: Human
Class: Monk
Background: Hermit
Best Stat: Strength
Worst Stat: Wisdom

0 1

Alignment Chosen: Lawful Neutral
Character: Selene Kyoketsuki
Race: Vampire
Class: Artificer
Background: Urchin
Best Stat: Intelligence
Worst Stat: Dexterity

0 1

Alignment Chosen: Chaotic Good
Character: Adagio Song
Race: Siren
Class: Bard
Background: Noble
Best Stat: Charisma
Worst Stat: Strength

0 0

Alignment Chosen: Neutral Good
Character: Yuki Sunofureku
Race: Human
Class: Fighter
Background: Soldier
Best Stat: Dexterity
Worst Stat: Wisdom

0 0

Alignment Chosen: Lawful Good
Character: Arya Song
Race: Siren
Class: Bard
Background: Noble
Best Stat: Dexterity
Worst Stat: Strength

0 0

Pick a character and gain your Alignment!

Want more info on the charcters! Check the replies!

1 7

GM ☀️

That's from that time I took my son on trip to see the moon alignment on sunrise on planet Andr.

Sweet memory I'll cherish forever.

Wish all of you get to experience special moments with your loved ones as much as you can! 💜

Thanks for taking the 📸

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