Tabling at Melbourne Animaga this weekend (w/ the one and only 👀)! Come check me out at C17 :D ✨✨ P.S here is a really rushed catalogue hope it helps-

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Look around youuu look BEYOOOND, LOOK WHO CAN MAKE THE UNBREAKABLE BOOOOND fuck me i love

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You can't leave an expo without a shirt, right? Luckily I found an SAO shirt at ☺️Do you own a shirt of your favorite anime show?

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Prints for Melbourne Supernova 2019 :-) I'm at created collectables at 114

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Selling some goodies in Melbourne Supernova 2019! Come find me in created collectables at 114 with 👀

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Holy cow! is bringing rare and vintage goods to the J-Funland section of the on 4/13! Any you've been looking for?

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Hi sending 2 prints of DITF so you can use it as tissues for the last episode it can dry your tears af, just simply subscribe to the 3rd tier on my patreon to get it

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COMIC FRONTIER 9 1st catalogue!

Cetaknya terbatas banget, foto produk menyusul ya

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