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I made Sackboy and Astro for

belongs to
belongs to LBP © MM and SD

My Styles belong to Me!

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My name’s AstroBoto and I like making colorful cartoony stuff :)

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Astrobots WIP 🤖 Ready to apply colors on first chapter

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🤖Hi! I'm AstroBoto and I make epic cartoony art! Every once in a while I'll post a lil' animation and I also do drawing streams from time to time. Check out all my stuff here on my Newgrounds and YouTube accounts :)



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『ASTRO BOT:RESCUE MISSION』と『Déraciné(デラシネ)』がお手ごろ価格で遊べる「Value Selection」シリーズにて登場! 2月14日(金)に発売となりますので、どちらもよろしくお願い致します。#PSVR

詳しくはこちら⇒ https://t.co/sLDO7JmhLm

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昨日は音楽のQさんが遊びに来てくれたので、ASTROBOTをやってもらった。タイトル画面出ただけでわたしが思わず「ほらっコレっ、めっちゃカワイくない? ねえ、カワイくないっ!?」と叫んでしまったときには若干温度差を感じたが、楽しさを伝えられたように思う。あれはもう、買ってるかもしれんな…

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ASTROBOT might just be the best 3D platformer experience I ever had. Thank you

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and Four PSVR games that share one common point, which is also VR's biggest quality : connecting to, caring for a virtual character. It shows an immense narrative and emotional potential that is beyond exciting.

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fanart! This time I went for the shark boss. Only one more drawing and I managed to draw each one of the bosses from that amazing VR experience!

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This game gives me life. Another fan art. This time went for the Bird Boss!

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ET おうちに帰る (ゴールド)
エイリアンを倒してゲームをクリアした https://t.co/4Or4V6elI2

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『ASTRO BOT:RESCUE MISSION』は10月4日発売予定、価格は5,292円(税込)です。
『Déraciné(デラシネ)』は11月8日発売予定、価格は3,240円(税込)。同時発売の初回生産限定の『Déraciné Collector's Edition』は4,320円(税込)です。

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My reaction to 's Gastrobots trailer -- the animals are so fun to draw!

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Aw yeah! Launch date for by is 9/24/15! Everyone bready?

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