A me lo ha detto un cugino di secondo grado che la madre della fidanzata fa le pulizie agli Ospedali Riuniti!1!

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Why colours and shadows are so hard to do ? 9-9
Master please, I just try to exist XD

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here we are so far 9------------9

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7. Vaksin flu dan pneumonia dapat mencegah kita terinfeksi SARS-CoV-2

Jawaban: Hmm

Pertama-tama, belum ada vaksin utk COVID-19, karena SARS-CoV-2 adalah strain virus baru dari family coronaviridae. Pembuatan virus bisa memakan waktu tahunan.

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between the possibility of antibody-dependent enhancement and reports of grim sequelae in SARS survivors; all these "what if deliberately exposing people to SARS 2.0 is Actually Good" hot takes sincerely make me think that a coronavirion has learned to use keyboard

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