my girlfriend is very cute!! 🌸

84 356

cuddles with gf 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

20 114

The local fireworks maker is very handsome

539 2570

// ship bxg , thomayaka , thoma x ayaka , crossover shikimori's not just a cutie , slight gxg ayamiya ayalumi , karyababu by sender~

189 1712

winter and summer;

18 70

Working on an ayamiya illustration !!
Hints :

0 12

Ayamiya comic!
For those who don’t know, “The moon looks beautiful tonight” is a poetic way of saying “I love you”

4 23

sora & haena
i havent read this one all the way through but shh

2 18

posting these wips so maybe i can finish them already <33

13 113

more genshin x pokemon 🎉

this time featuring thomato and ayamiya

10 62

ayamiya at the irodori festival or smthn idk [ ]

37 118