Bobjack Theater『ライナスの毛布』観劇♪
初期のボブジャックのテイストたっぷりの笑って泣ける短編集♪( ´▽`)

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Bobjack theater vol.23

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Title: Mighty Bombjack
Year: 1990
Platform: Commodore 64
Publisher: Elite Systems
Developer: Tecmo

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‘s character Bombjackal. He was really fun to draw x3

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Mighty Bomb Jack by Elite Systems for the C64 (1990) Another entertaining game in this series though definitely prefer the original a lot more. This is closer to it in terms of gameplay & style than Bomb Jack 2 for the home computers anyhow.

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12/26-1/4配布開始の劇場公演折込受付を開始しました。制作「山口ちはる」プロデュース・「大川の大忘年会2017」・ゴツプロ!「三の糸」(会場:本多劇場)・劇団浅葱色・「STAGEFES2017-2018」・FREE(S)・Bobjack theater…and more!

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For those interested, Lady Red Jack came from an old impromptu mockup for a platformer remake ^^

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Jim Silke with Poison Ivy.

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Marcos Ramos, Mystique art.

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Hello Sundayyyy!-Alex Ross art.

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