RatMadRattober! Taking it easy right now and just doing a simple doodle.

I can't believe I am finally in pain from amogus... (Also I haven't heard the rap yet so whoops!)

Day 18) Imposter Rat + The MRD Rap

4 15

i’m alive and now catching up💀
Day 14: Tabby Rat

1 30

RatMadRattober! I completely forgot about these fellas

Poor thing, all forgotten.

Day 17) Lonely Rat + Stray Rats

9 28

lonely rat, kissing rat 💕

61 257

RatMadRattober! Maybe if I post it SUPER late nobody will see it HAahah 💦

Day 16) Kissing Rat + Moon

Now I'm gonna hi the tweet button and not feel embarrased at a- oH f*******

11 72

Rattober 10-11: Champion/Sleepy Rat
Model: Hana
I know this is like cheating haha, but i really love this picture of Hana

Rattober 13: Sailing rat
Model: Cheese
Inspired byt the "real" name of Cheese which was" "Captain Cheese"

0 5

Day 16: kissing rat

So in honor of Cap’s birthda-

15 43

day 13: Sailing rat! 🌊

I’m so far behind ;^;

1 6