Échalotier Rosé (Pink Wallot), Avochat (Avocat), and Haricobra (Cobean). 🥑🐈🐍

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Radi (Radi), Taupinambour(Jerusalem Artimole), and Châtairisson(Chesthog)! 🐀🦔

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Mangoustan! Or Mongoosteen! 🌿

Last illustration in the series!

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Got really bored with daily head studies so I treated myself to an abnormal one that I deeply enjoy. Then lost all track of time as 12 minutes became much more then 12 minutes. I haven’t done a longer portrait in forever. Had fun though 👌🏾

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L’abricobaye a un poil très doux et un mode de vie paisible. 🍑

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La famille en cours!

On m’a demandé si j’en ferai des prints sur Instagram. Je les vois bien en carte postale, ça sera l’occasion de tester une imprimerie. Et en affiche?

Il en reste actuellement trois, mais j’en ai trouvé un autre en chemin. Hem.

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1st of Agatha! Always my favorite of the Elite Four for obvious reasons. Feel like I’m learning quite a bit as I work on these. Trying to give monsters a break (a sin I know) & work on my human portrait game and a bit of color & lighting 💪🏾#bascombsbeastiary

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