Back to Queensbridge Houses for another look at Phillip Guston’s 1940 mural “Work and Play”. I think the kid is drawing the RFK bridge, which was newish at the time.

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El nuevo Biken 👨🏻‍🎨
Aún no sé cómo animaré a este personaje con todos sus detalles 😅 pero eso es un desafío para el Kevin del futuro.

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Bikendi's already got his outfit ready for halloween u3u

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Biken 2012 - 2019
La evolución del protagonista de mi historia.
Espero nunca dejar de aprender y de mejorar 👨🏻‍🎨😊

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Caught sight of this shout out to Reed alumni doing empowering shit, and it includes & her incredible feminist bicycle writing and activism! "Changing How We Get There"

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Primeras escenas listas de mi Cortometraje de Animación 2D llamado: “Biken - La Conquista del Mundo” ⭐️🌎😉

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Personajes principales del Cortometraje de Animación 2D "Biken"

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