оп ниуя щас на инглишменском напишу some kind of from modern (???) AU because i want

4 27

For some reason, I have a vivid conviction that in the comic, Blue should be exactly the friendly tarantula. Why? Probably because Errortale had some semblance of friendship between Error and Blue, but Ink is his first butterfly friend.

11 169

Ok this one shouldn't have fucky quality I just finished this like an hour ago

Another Geno fusion: Geno and Blueberry, AKA Bitter Sweet! Or you can just call him Star!

2 11

Can you make a repost ?

Можно репост ?

КетВи и маленькие сансы:з

3 79

Видела подобный артик и решила продолжить :т

62 627

Can you make a repost ?

Можно репост ?

Играем в автомат с игрушками

14 256