나능야 바지도둑

19 117

I'll draw the rest someday...(Sorry for my poor English🙃)

27 107

💛☀️💛 🤍☁️🤍

8 22

오늘은 여기까즤이.... 네오징어ㅓㅓ

40 142

그냥 얼렁뚱땅 그려서 죄샴다ㅏ다ㅏㅏ

22 76

요즘 그림 너무 안올려서 간단한거라도 올려야지

18 54

This is more of a re-drawing I had done ages ago (I think it was the first one I did of Bob and Bosip).
And well I have redrawn it and I really love it, and I hope you like it✨🤍🌸

24 77

my sibling, bowaev... he is... he is a wild dinosaur... a wild and cute little autistic dinosaur... rawr... -BoTbOt. (Bobot.)

5 11

☁️💙Hello and welcome to my account💛☀️
Here are the Depressants' designs along with their color palette ^^✨🤍

9 31

Bro is enjoying the view with sadness

10 28

중지가 가벼운 편

26 96