"I'm just gonna have to get myself a new giant that's all!" MOre Princess. This movie is on TV tonight it's absolutely brilliant. This sketch is from 2015. Every time I see this movie it holds up. Powder

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The battle of the wits has begun. This movie is on TV tonight it's absolutely brilliant. This sketch is from 2015. Every time I see this movie it holds up. Powder

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19. Duobus Breiner
* Likes practical jokes
* Is aware his bf is a fuckbag, apparently doesn't care?
* Owns like 3 singing fish decorations, loses it laughing every time he sets them off
* What is his species?? We just don't know

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Strategies against stress... An editorial illustration for an article in 'Psyché en Brein'. (Lien Geeroms) https://t.co/kiFCmcSmwm

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L'événement de rentrée : Vuillemin expose à Paris en septembre (Galerie Huberty & Breine). http://t.co/AFdMmMOpE5

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