in mode can cause emotional outbursts over simple tasks like discussing your counter offer when Here's the antidote...

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in are starting to lose it. All the pent up frustration of orders have energized them in very different ways Better to channel that energy to

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A friend of mine said he was thinking about how long Moses would've spent in the desert if he had GPS. I said "You've been in lockdown too long!"

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is down is a big fear for everyone during the Some adventurous people have ideas how to fill the gap should it happen...

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Brian Adcock: Stuff on BoJo's mind might dull his appetite. - political cartoon gallery in London

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Why did your friends die? respread selfishness will be the cause of another wave ( there will be more than the next one) and another. The problem is the people who die might not be the people taking risks.

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New cartoon! Am I A Biohazard? Inspired by the very great John Waters whose viral video is the subject of another excellent podcast which you can find right here >

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Allez et bonne journée, les covidiots ‼️💞

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Listen to the experts.

(Image seen on fb)

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El cubrebocas debe tapar la nariz, boca y la parte baja de la barbilla y debe estar casi como una segunda piel.
Si no te gusta usarlo y no estás dispuesto por responsabilidad y respeto mejor no salgas.

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Sometimes we get set in our ways and don't realize there are better ways to reach our goals with more efficiency. Sometimes it takes a big event like to get us to rethink how we'll do that.

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