Pleased to meet you~! I'm Chiu! I stream gaming and drawing daily on! I'm a pro gamer with one brain cell, it's a heavy torch to carry. I'm addicted to coffee, cute girls, drawing, and jrpgs! I'm holding an art giveaway soon at 500 followers!!!

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Pleased to meet you~! I'm Chiu! I stream games and drawing daily on! I love jrpgs, cute girls, I'm addicted to coffee and drawing, and I'm kinda dumb but it's ok! I'm secretly a pro gamer. I'll be doing an art giveaway at 500 followers so hopefully soon!!

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I'm Chiu! I stream drawing and games daily on! You can exchange channel points for free art! I'm gonna have an art giveaway once I hit 500 followers here, and my big birthday stream is coming soon on 1/1!! Pleased to meet you 🥰

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Heya~! I'm Chiu! I stream drawing and games daily at I'm addicted to coffee, drawing, cute girls, and try my best to get by function off my one brain cell. I designed, drew, and rigged my own model! Pleased to meet you 🥰🥰🥰

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Hey there~! I'm Chiu! I'm a gremlin who streams gaming and drawing daily on! I also post Vtuber fanart daily here, I'm addicted to coffee, brain turns to mush around cute girls, and I try my best to function off one brain cell. Pleased to meet you!

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It's time!!😎I'm Chiu! I stream games and drawing daily on I'm addicted to coffee, cute girls, round squishy things, and jrpgs! I also post new Vtuber fanart daily! I designed, drew, and rigged my own model~ Pleased to meet you 🥰

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I'm Chiu! I stream drawing and gaming daily at I'm been obessed with SMTV lately but I love party games like Gartic Phone and Jack Box and Goose Goose Duck! I'm EST timezone~ I also post Vtuber fanart daily!

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Hey there~! I'm Chiu! I post Vtuber fanart daily, and I also stream games and drawing daily on I'm addicted to coffee, cute girls make my brain short circuit, and I have very consistent sneezes! Pleased to meet you!

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Heya everyone! I'm Chiu! I post new Vtuber fanart daily, and I also stream games and drawing daily on I'm addicted to coffee, the mere thought of a cute girl short circuits my brain, and I spend every waking moment drawing off stream. Pleased to meet you!

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I'm Chiu! I stream games and drawing on daily! Addicted to coffee, brain melts at the mere thought of a cute girl, loves cute squishy things. Gonna do an art giveaway at 500 followers too!

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*silently screams while doing Bobby Chiu's course on *

My brain doesn't do edge control. Send help. (゜-゜)

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featuring an assignment by vyodot for Bobby Chiu's "Digital Painting" course on Schoolism!!⁠
. ⁠
Tag us in your post with for a chance to be featured!⁠ ⁠

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Pleased to meet you! I'm Chiu! We need more Slimes in this world, Slime is so pure and good TT m TT <3 I game, draw, and sing, am addicted to coffee, and try my best everyday as a pro gamer with only 1 brain cell. Cute girls are the main motivator in my life.

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I'm Chiu! I'm addicted to coffee, the colors pink and green, and I play too many video games! I stream games and drawing daily at and you can earn free art just by watching!! So come join my roast of coffee beans U u U 💚

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I'm Chiu! I mostly stream gaming and drawing, I'm slowly coming to terms with my coffee addiction, and I try my best working off one brain cell. I stream daily on I designed, drew, and rigged my own model! = w = pleased to meet you ❤️

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I'm Chiu! I stream mostly gaming and drawing but I sing sometimes too! I'm addicted to coffee and I try my best with my singular brain cell.

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I'm Chiu! I'm addicted to coffee and I make do with 1 brain cell. I stream daily over on ! I designed, drew, and rigged my model myself I love her U u U

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"Some won’t appreciate you no matter how much you do for them. Release yourself. Go where you’re appreciated and understood."
Robert Tew
Artist Tan Chun Chiu

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Hi hi~ I'm Chiu and I'm obsessed with coffee! Come join my little roast of beans ❤️

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