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The Lion Timba✨💙

Adoro el leoncito de Alpa, no pude evitar dibujarlo QQ

Intente usar su paleta de colores- no salió tan bien xd

16 80

M.exe 😳👉👈✨❤️‍🩹

Está hot ahrre xD

Den kokoro si les gusta uwu

155 1011

Here’s Mirai Compass event commu 🌸🧭👩‍🎓


This job had led everyone to think about separation and Mayu seemed to be the most affected one.

16 40

ǫᴜᴇ ᴇᴍᴘɪᴇᴄᴇ ʟᴀ sᴇʀɪᴇ ᴠɪᴄɴɪx!!!
[#CoMPaS ]

25 192

Tenia ganas de dibujar a Mike con este trajecito de calabaza que me gusta mucho

38 163

''Marriage trouble? Already?''

183 1719

🤍✨°• POLLITO🐥•°✨💙

En lo personal, me gusta y no me gusta mi Rius pollo :')

Mi Rius humano es muy alto, pero cuando es pollito es muy enano jajajs, y él que más se burla de eso es Timba🤲🏻✨💙

156 1402

A lot of people think Damon is a for the greater good kind of character, but if you dissect a lot of his actions they're in contradiction to that. His decisions are based on societal needs, karma, his own householder duties, and compassion. He's a very complex character.

1 8

Raptor con muffins 🧁❤

Ayer andaba aburrida dibujando y salio esto

40 212

With his impressive HP stats in Sonic Chronicles, you can give him the biggest bear hug you want. With his endless compassion for all living things, Big the Cat would be incredibly open to hear your problems, you can go on about your troubles for hours and he won’t ignore you.

15 259

🌍🧡 Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier. - Mother Teresa. 😊 Remember, positivity is contagious! Let's all do our part to make the world a better place with small acts of kindness and compassion. 💕


6 20


Me está gustando este ship q puedo decir 🫢

58 458

generous, compassionate, inventive, mindful, loyal, amusing, passionate, trustworthy, witty, expert, sympathetic, bf material, pure, attractive, confident, ambitious, capable, sensitive, adventurous, optimistic, clever, charismatic, determined, energetic, fearless, gentle

0 19

"I pray that Lymilark's warmth enters everyone's hearts, and grants them the compassion to be better people." ~ Etain, Pontiff of Lymilark

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