Day 3 project for  

Listen to the birds by Polly Atkinson
Polly’s work responds to news of mass deaths of puffins guillemots kittiwakes & razorbills in Scotland
‘Birds are messengers-early warning that something is wrong with the marine ecosystem’

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We got it wrong! Rather than light, to mark is Earth. "Creation Myth" by Wyndham Lewis (1882–1957) is held by , . The abstract planets & moon in these bold colours are striking.

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🌍🍃For today's & in celebration of we've chosen this artwork which is full of life & nature...

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🥕 Daily Challenge 294! 🥕

Invent a way of growing food in dry countries.

Pumps, moisture sensors, it is possible to grow fruit and veg in even the most hottest and driest parts of the world. What can you invent to help make this happen?

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Inspired by this week's theme is climate change.

We chose Fiery Landscape by Colin Saxton at as Earth’s temperature has risen by 0.08°c per decade since 1880 🔥

© the artist's estate. Photo credit: Loughborough University

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This week's theme is inspired by - love the light and lines in this piece, and how can we not choose work by a fisherman AND a naturalist?

Fresh Run, Atlantic Salmon, Stackpil River, Norway | Alexander William Jardine

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Our scientists led a study that shows major global impacts of and identifies the need to curb CO2 emissions.

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provides the theme this week

'Climate Change' by Max Hague from

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DftP 12 Ways You Can Help Wildlife
1 LOOK after your own backyard!Looking after local environments can help biodiversity flourish no matter where we live.Providing feeding stations for pollinators by planting native pollinatorfriendly plants...

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There's a growing trash pile outside a wasteful King Leonard's castle, but what happens when something dear needs fixing?

KING LEONARD'S TEDDY by is a fun, powerful tale with a strong environmental message. Activities:

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Christian Adams on   - political cartoon gallery in London

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