¡Cartoonización! Superhero contra el coronavirus, sacando sonrisas para el hospital a los infectados mi abuelo

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Novedad en la tienda! Láminas digitales imprimibles! Ahora puedes pillar los archivos en alta resolución de mis obras + bonus incluídos con cada compra digital. No puedo enviar pedidos físicos por el Coronavirus, así que esto es un apaño☺

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In the wake of Coronavirus, I’ve been able to complete my Emotional Aliens alphabet series inspired by

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[#ComPublique] Voilà, voilà... selon le rapport Trust and the 83% des Français souhaiteraient entendre davantage les chercheurs & le point de vue de la sur cette crise. Un beau défi pour la & la 👉 https://t.co/f4FmtK01Ry via

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If you donate to an NGO that is collaborating in the fight against the Coronavirus, we will give you videos and galleries that our Creators have donated to reward your help.

More info:

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C'est quoi, le coronavirus, ou Covid-19 ? https://t.co/YjETGXBJf5

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More enrichment in France...

Since the start of confinement following the Chinese coronavirus, tensions have erupted in the no-go-zone of Noisy-leGrand

Jihadi migrants refuse to quarantine & instead attack police and first responders - WHY Allow terrorists into our Countries?

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New GIF tagged cat, home, flower, box, coronavirus, takecare, catgif, bugthecardboardcat, carepackage, cardboardbox, catinthebox, sendcards, catandflower via Giphy catt

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New GIF tagged cat, hi, mask, coronavirus, quarantine, stayhome, isolation, takecare, catgif, howareyou, bugthecardboardcat, catinthebox via Giphy catt

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New creation:
"Do the evolution"

In case you are freaking out for I recommend to take It improves immune response and protects against... (continues here: https://t.co/d23krEA9SP )

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So Boris has Coronavirus, guess he spoke too soon here

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Estos son mis positivos por coronavirus, si no le gustan ... tengo otros.

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Michele monte lui aussi au front : il travaille à une potion magique contre le monstre coronavirus, le + fort de tous les coronavirus. Mais, au cas où il ne trouverait pas à temps la bonne formule, il a prévu d’enrôler le soleil et son épée de feu pour tuer le monstre. 4/6

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Hi there! I'm currently unable to perform my main source of income (ride share driver) due to the coronavirus, so I'm reopening icon commissions! I have bills coming up and any help is appreciated. DM or email me if you'd like to snag a slot! RTs are extremely appreciated

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work was closed down temporarily due to coronavirus, so i'm gonna be uploading more doodles and stuff over the next few weeks. starting off with a dumb bee wip thing

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Apologies for my absence, I've been dealing with issues unrelated to the coronavirus, have a Junko who stole the look of a certain Layla

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Diseñan cápsula de cuidados intensivos para agregarse a hospitales que luchan contra la pandemia del

Ubicación: |
Carlo Ratti Associati

“...desplegarse rápidamente en ciudades, respondiendo a escasez espacial...”

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[rt please 💗] hey guys, i was laid off from my teaching job this morning as schools must remained closed indefinitely due to the coronavirus, and i need money so i'm lowering my commission prices to 15€/traditional piece and 25€/digital piece regardless of its size/style/etc.

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