From Animage 1984 v068 February issue. Found it while archiving the magazine =)

15 44

Wish my hair had that multicolour shine!

15 49


32 174

Bubble gum is serious business!
(I love finding Urusei Yatsura pics that aren't seen too often 😊)

10 44

Writing board that you put between the pages of a notebook. I haven't seen these much outside of Japan

2 28

Nice hat, wish mine had holes in it for my horns 😉

7 24

I always liked this particular picture, blue hair with a red ribbon looks cute

5 31

Wendy (as in Peter Pan's Wendy) is included in a surprising amount of the merch.

3 21

It's quite a cold winter in Canberra this year 🥶 better rug up!

4 21


29 130

The back covers are always so vibrant in the first run

6 26

This is actually the cloth that came with my Urusei Yatsura glasses case

8 51

I love it when I find a new source of pictures for the Daily Lum 😉

5 29