My favorite character besides York is probably Thomas

5 8

I love one feral FBI agent...

14 18

I've never been more excited and blindsided by a game reveal!! The boys are back!!

3 8

clear as a crisp spring morning!

65 97

erscheint 2020 für die Switch. Wir haben mit in über gesprochen, woher er seine Inspiration nimmt und über sein nächstes Werk uvm.

Ein Auszug aus dem Interview:

0 6

did you hear that, zach?

20 35

Big old throwback to when I drew Francis York Morgan cause I'm already hyped as shit for

2 16

Some doodles of George I've done. I'm trying to be more brave about posting stuff that isn't finished 😅💦

7 12

''Do you feel it, Zach? My coffee warned me about it.''
little deadly premonition fanart

8 17