As divided as we are I’m still clinging to democracy .. And am aware even with the very dark political factors in America . I still am aware there are places in the world where we are still privelaged .. I can still openly cartoon about politics with minimal dm threats

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Not too late to vote for Democracy today!

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Martin Rowson on Cop27 and the US midterm elections - political cartoon gallery in London

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Don't forget what happened on June 24th.

It doesn't have to be Gilead

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Time to exercise your right to vote. Be safe & take care of one another today. This animation did not come out exactly as planned but I enjoyed animating the exaggeration.

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Don’t sit it out! Go out and VOTE!

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Please vote. Please be patient. Democracy takes time.

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First time you vote in the midterms? It matters, Go Vote!

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It’s Election Day & I’m scared AF. Feel nauseous & exhausted. Please vote blue. Together we can find a way.

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Democracy and reproductive rights are on the ballot tomorrow.

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Voting is your superpower and our democracy depends on you! 🇺🇸

There is no level of government that is more directly responsible for your community than your local elected officials. If you’re able, please consider making your voice heard on Election Day tomorrow!

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